Funding Sources
NSF Expedition: Award CCF-1522054, 2015-2020Collaborative Research: CompSustNet: Expanding the Horizons of Computational Sustainability |
NSF Expedition: Award CNS-0832782, 2008-2014 |
Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future (ACSF) Matching Funds |
NSF II-EN Computing Research Infrastructure: Award CNS-1059284, 2011-2012Funded the ATLAS HPC Cluster, which is used across our research projects and collaborations. |
NSF EAGER: Award IIS-1258330, 2013-2014Exploratory Research in Automated Computational Analysis of Inorganic Materials Libraries |
NSF INSPIRE Track 1: Award IIS-1344201, 2013-2016 |
Australian Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS): Collaborating with University of Sydney, 2013-2014The human and environmental impacts of migratory pastoralism in arid and semi-arid East Africa |
Army Research Office (ARO) Award W911-NF-14-1-0498, 2014-2016
Collaborators and Research Infrastructure
Drop us an email if you'd like to join us in establishing the field of Computational Sustainability.