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Funding Sources

NSF Expedition: Award CCF-1522054, 2015-2020

Collaborative Research: CompSustNet: Expanding the Horizons of Computational Sustainability

NSF Expedition: Award CNS-0832782, 2008-2014

Collaborative Research: Computational Sustainability: Computational Methods for a Sustainable Environment, Economy, and Society

Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future (ACSF) Matching Funds

ACSF Matching Funds for NSF Expedition

NSF II-EN Computing Research Infrastructure: Award CNS-1059284, 2011-2012

Computing research infrastructure for constraint optimization, machine learning, and dynamical models for computational sustainability

Funded the ATLAS HPC Cluster, which is used across our research projects and collaborations.

NSF EAGER: Award IIS-1258330, 2013-2014

Exploratory Research in Automated Computational Analysis of Inorganic Materials Libraries

NSF INSPIRE Track 1: Award IIS-1344201, 2013-2016

UDiscoverIt: Integrating Expert Knowledge, Constraint-Based Reasoning and Learning to Accelerate Materials Discovery

Australian Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS): Collaborating with University of Sydney, 2013-2014

The human and environmental impacts of migratory pastoralism in arid and semi-arid East Africa

Army Research Office (ARO) Award W911-NF-14-1-0498, 2014-2016


Collaborators and Research Infrastructure

Drop us an email if you'd like to join us in establishing the field of Computational Sustainability.


Sponsored by the National Science Foundation