Bus pickup will be available at 7:50am, from the Holiday Inn, Mount Kisco.
General Principles in Seeking Feasible Solutions for Combinatorial Problems
Organizers: John Chinneck and Gilles Pesant and Louis-Martin Rousseau.
Sunday, May 19, 8:30am--5pm, Location: 20-043 (Teatown Room)
For complete schedule see workshop website or conference program.
Algorithm Selection and Configuration
Organizers: Lars Kotthoff and Yuri Malitsky
Sunday, May 19, 8:30am--12pm, Location: 20-051 (Taconic Room)
For complete schedule see workshop website or conference program.
Parallel Methods for Combinatorial Search & Optimization
Organizers: Philippe Codognet, Meinolf Sellmann, Guido Tack
Sunday, May 19, 10:30am--5pm, Location: 20-001 (Kitchawan Room)
For complete schedule see workshop website or conference program.